Tuesday, May 12, 2015

15 months and full of gorgeousness.


Mr Sebastian is just 15 months old and what a gorgeous boy he is.
Sebastian just wanted to play and explore anything and everything. This session was all about playing and occasionally Sebastian remembered the lady taking photos and making strange noises. 
Sebastian is such a bright and inquisitive little man, he even wanted to see the buttons on my camera. He didn't miss a trick.
What a lovely time I had playing with you Mr Sebastian. I hope these adorable photos are enjoyed next to your big sisters photos in your home for many many years. Don't grow too fast because your just gorgeous.




Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Dimech Family

The Dimech family visited Meander Studios on the weekend. Josh (7) Jade (6) and Ruby (5) were very relaxed and very much enjoyed exploring the property. After Mum (Lesa) and Dad (Michael) enjoyed a coffee in the new studio and the children had a good play at the tree house we ventured up the hill for our family photos. I just love watching all that unfolds through my camera lens. Josh had so much affection for his Mum and Dad and just wanted to be near them. Jade studied everything going on around her and didn't want to miss anything and Ruby, well Ruby was absolutely delighted with having her photo taken and understood how special it was.
I only hope my photos show what stunning eyes this family have, just gorgeous. Thank you Dimech family for visiting and for being so relaxed and willing. I hope you love your photographs for many years to come.




Playing in puddles

I hope your children are enjoying the Melbourne rain today.

Meander Studios Maternity and Newborn Gift Vouchers