Saturday, December 10, 2011

Vintage butterflies........ Lucy and Sadie

I photographed this family 2 years ago but now little Sadie has come along and it was my pleasure to have the privilege of capturing this beautiful family again. They are so loving and relaxed and with a beautiful summer day, wearing stunning clothes, playing in the grass catching butterflies, it was pretty special.
Lucy, 3 was full of smiles and chatting and was fascinated with the many butterflies surrounding her. Sadie, 11 months was so inquisitive and content. She has been known as ‘Little miss sticky beak’ because she doesn’t want to miss a thing. Such delightful girls and we had a lovely time outside enjoying the natural surrounds of Meander Studios.
Thank you for allowing me to share your precious photos Andrew and Carolyn. I hope you enjoy your preview and that it tells your family story of this special time.




So special that a butterfly landed on Lucy's hand in this photo.

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