Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Phoebe, 5 weeks old and the sweetest thing ever!!!
Chris and Felicity were full of love for their new little sweet heart and for each other as they celebrated being a family. I told Felicity that she was glowing and looked beautiful, she replied "I'm happy, I'm really happy". Oh my, that just melted my heart and I felt so honoured to be able to capture this precious time for her.
Phoebe was very clear with what she wanted to and by the end of our session I knew what side Phoebe preferred, when she wanted to suck, when she will move again and when she wanted to sleep. She was very expressive with her movement, her sounds and locked eyes a few times, especially with her Daddy. Phoebe was wrapped in the blancket that Chris and his brother were in when they were christened.
A beautiful newborn session with photographs that are so sweet.  Congratulations Chris and Felicity.





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